Monday, February 2, 2009

Broadening My Horizons

My whining the other day ("One-Two Punch for Photographers") has really re-energized my quest to broaden my horizons. Couple that with my next post ("Always Have a Plan B") and I realize, for a guy pimping Plan Bs, I didn't have much of a Plan B in place for going after work outside the niche I've made much of my living at.

Watching the back-and-forth scoring excitement of the Super Bowl yesterday also acted as a catalyst for believing there's always a chance way to get back in the game, even if one's current status in the game looks a bit dismal.

I've redoubled my efforts to get some training programs going. The DVD may have to wait a bit longer since there's budgetary considerations and, frankly, since it's gotten harder and harder to make a decent living, personal funds simply aren't available to finance a DVD project. I want to do it right, after all, and not scrimp (production-wise) in too many areas. No, I don't intend to make the "Gone With the Wind" of pretty girl shooting DVDs but I do want to produce something I'm (relatively) proud of. And doing so takes a few extra bucks.

I've also redoubled, quadrupled even, my efforts to broaden the types of work I hope to score. Sure. Sex sells. But it's harder to sell it when so much of it is readily available for free.

Here's the list I've put together for the types of work I'm now actively pursuing, and I do mean ACTIVELY pursuing: glamour (as always), fashion, corporate, commercial, and publicity, portfolio and headshot work for models, actors, actresses, entertainers, bands, corporate execs, and celebrities. Most of my current efforts are targeting those last types of work.

Yeah, I'm sure many of you might be thinking, "That's the kind of stuff we all want to shoot, Jimmy." But, frankly, I haven't gone after any of that work in a seriously pro-active and vigorous way.

All that's changed. I'm actively (and I do mean actively) pursuing all that sort of work. I'm putting as much effort and time and resources into scoring some of that other work, other than glam and tease that is, as I have with the 18+ stuff. The work is out there. No reason I can't grab some of it. I have the experience, gear, and know-how to produce good work in all those areas. And I'm gonna.

The pretty girl at the top, Bianca, is not a model or a performer. I shot her a few years ago in the studio. I guess it's sort of an art nude pic... make that a semi-nude art pic.